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It is in our
nature to think
about businesses that transform the world.

Standing forest. Business growing.

We are committed to the Multiple Land Use model, which provides a viable alternative for conserving biodiversity through sustainable business.

Land Management

We manage territories using an innovative green economy model, carrying out activities that conserve biodiversity while creating economic opportunities.


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+ Land Management consulting
+ Legal Reserve regularization
+ Forest leasing

Biodiversity Initiatives

We map the rich biodiversity of the reserves we manage through scientific research combined witch biotechnology. Where we produce, research, and generate business with forests.

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We sell carbon credits and develop projects and methods to assess and value the carbon potential in forest stocks and sequestration, providing a viable way to preserve biodiversity.

Multiple use. Multiple opportunities.

Within our business strategy, we understand the context of each area and its revenue potential combined with conservation and generation of carbon credits.

Legado das Águas

The largest Atlantic Forest in the country, spanning 31 thousand hectares. Located in the countryside of São Paulo, it combines forest protection with green economic activities.

Legado Verdes do Cerrado

A private reserve of 32 thousand hectares located in the countryside of Goiás, combining traditional businesses with green economy activities to generate value and maintain the forest.

Fazenda Bodoquena

Located in the Cerrado and Pantanal biomes in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, with 74 thousand hectares where we have partnered to develop carbon projects.

Nature and business growing together

We develop green economy businesses for companies that believe in standing forests.

Nature and business growing together

We develop green economy businesses for companies that believe in standing forests.

Consulta Pública
PSA Mata Atlântica

Reservas Votorantim lança consulta pública para apresentar proposta de metodologia PSA com carbono florestal.

We are showing that biodiversity is also a business!

Our strategy involves understanding each area’s context and revenue potential while combining conservation efforts with carbon credit generation.

We have already restored 430 hectares in the Atlantic Forest, with approximately 300 hectares currently being restored in the same biome. In the Cerrado, 45 hectares have been restored.

Pioneering in the carbon market with the first REDD+ project outside the Amazon (REDD+ Cerrado) and the development of a groundbreaking methodology for Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to generate carbon credits in the Atlantic Forest.

We have generated over 409,000 carbon credits available for sale.

Consultancy in territory management, carbon, and ecological restoration for companies such as AngloGold Ashanti, Grupo CCR, and CBA – Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio.

Contact us

For partnerships, projects or other subjects, contact us through our channels.

Av. Manuel Bandeira, 291, bloco B, conjunto 23 • Vila Leopoldina • 05317-020 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil

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