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Verdes do

Verdes do

With an area of 32 thousand hectares, Legado Verdes do Cerrado is the first area in the Cerrado biome with Verra certification, a globally recognized standard, as an Avoided Planned Grassland Conversion-grouped REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) project  and will issue the first carbon credits from the biome. The reservation land is owned by CBA (Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio).

Approximately 80% of the forestland is composed of native Cerrado and is divided into two cores:

ENGENHO: Area of 22 thousand hectares that home to activities such as scientific research, environmental education actions, and green economy businesses, such as native plant production and reforestation, are carried out. Another 5 thousand hectares are dedicated to livestock, grain production, and forestry.

SANTO ANTÔNIO SERRA NEGRA:  Approximately 5 thousand hectares of native Cerrado.


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