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PSA Carbonflor

Unprecedented methodology for measuring ecosystem services, including forest carbon, through the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES).

PSA Carbonflor

Unprecedented methodology for measuring ecosystem services, including forest carbon, through the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES).

Reservas Votorantim presents PSA Carbonflor (Payment for Ecosystem Services), an unprecedented methodology for generating carbon credits through forest conservation.

Developed in partnership with ECCON Soluções Ambientais, the methodology will help the carbon market move forward towards standards that are tailored to the specific needs of Brazilian biomes, such as the Atlantic Forest.

To this end, PSA Carbonflor is helping bring together strategies that connect conservation and voluntary carbon markets, contributing to efforts to protect this important Brazilian biome.

Conservation strategies + PSA + Carbon market =
Conservation of the remaining 12.4%* of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, according to SOS Mata Atlântica.

• the methodology will be an alternative for those who preserve forests, through the Payment for Environmental Services law;

• the first methodology for emitting carbon credits that can be applied to the Atlantic Forest;

• it was discussed on a Webinar in 2022.
Access here.

• it was submitted to public consultation at the end of 2022.
Access the response letter here.


The application of PSA Carbonflor will be in some native forest areas of Legado das Águas, Brazil’s largest private Atlantic Forest reserve, managed by Reservas Votorantim.

The Report on Methodology Compliance and Monitoring Report (RMCMR) is available here.

Total C+ available in Legado das Águas (2017-2023): 93,410 tCO2e

C+ to be issued in 100 years: 1,706,436 units


The purpose of carbon credits generated by PSA Carbonflor, known as C+, is to reward landowners for maintaining preserved areas and ensuring the ongoing health and biodiversity of the land. This, in turn, secures ecosystem services for future generations.

A total of 93.410 credits were generated and will be allocated to the Voluntary Carbon Market, benefiting enterprises that operate in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Keeping an eye on the future:

Ecosystem services + social benefits + climate mitigation = C+ (carbon plus) Carbon Credits

Who can buy these credits?

Participants of the Voluntary Carbon Market, through enterprises that want to strengthen their sustainability strategy by supporting biodiversity conservation.


PSA Carbonflor aims to assess the value of conserving biodiversity, preserving water services and quality, and ensuring forest connectivity. This is achieved by upholding existing forests and generating value through the creation and trade of C+ (carbon plus) carbon credits.

Access the full methodology here, as well as a detailed infographic.

Considering the influence of climate change on forests and the contribution of conservation initiatives to the well being of both the planet and the people, PSA Carbonflor arises as a viable option to promote forest conservation in Brazil and around the world.

The live stream of the methodology
presentation at Climate Week 2023
can be accessed here.

For more information about PSA Carbonflor, please write to

To buy carbon credits, please write to



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