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Project development and sales.


Project development and sales.

A Reservas Votorantim e seus territórios, Legado das Águas e Legado Verdes do Cerrado, apostam na
inter-relação entre carbono e biodiversidade para realizar suas atividades, pesquisas e ações voltadas para a conservação florestal. As áreas, localizadas na Mata Atlântica e no Cerrado, respectivamente, somam 63 mil hectares de mata nativa conservada, estocando 20 milhões de toneladas de carbono.

As áreas florestais espalhadas pelo mundo absorvem cerca de um terço das emissões de carbono provenientes das atividades humanas, à medida que as árvores crescem. O sucesso das ações para mitigação das mudanças climáticas passa pelo manejo sustentável e a conservação das florestas e sua biodiversidade.

Ao integrar o mercado de crédito de carbono do Brasil, dentro do contexto de mudanças climáticas e estratégias de descarbonização, a Reservas Votorantim potencializa estudos para desbloquear novos biomas e fomenta metodologias inovadoras que encontram na proteção da floresta mais uma alternativa viável de manutenção da biodiversidade, além de atuar em outras frentes desse mercado.

We generate carbon credits from conserved forests or planting new forest areas.

With our pioneering spirit, technical rigor and strong partnerships, we’re advancing studies to develop Brazil’s biomes beyond the Amazon through REDD+ and Payment for Environmental Services (PES) initiatives. This is helping to consolidate Brazil’s presence in the international voluntary carbon market.

Conserved Forest

We have been pioneers in applying and proposing methods for generating carbon credits, first on the areas managed by Reservas Votorantim, and are now making them available to other landowners through consulting.


Through Insetting solutions, we help companies incorporate tree planting into their corporate strategies as a way to sequester carbon and include it as a discount factor in their emissions inventories.

Carbon Credit

We create opportunities to generate credits, manage long-term contracts and develop strategies to take advantage of the best conditions in the carbon market.

Contact us for more information by WhatsApp or e-mail

We have high integrity credits available for purchase.

REDD+ Cerrado

REDD+ Cerrado is an initiative led by Reservas Votorantim (RV), which has certified 11,500 hectares of the Legado Verdes do Cerrado, a 32,000-hectare private reserve managed by RV, located in the interior of Goiás. So far, over 416,000 carbon credits have been issued in total.

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PSA Carbonflor

We’ve developed a unique methodology for measuring ecosystem services, including forest carbon, through a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) project.
In its first issue, we generated over 93,000 carbon credits for the voluntary market.

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Projects under development.

REDD Carbonflor

The REDD Carbonflor project has been implemented on 8,900 hectares of the Cerrado biome in Mato Grosso do Sul. It has the potential to certify 709,000 carbon credits over 30 years. In the first issuance, covering the period from 2021 to 2023, generated over 45,000 carbon credits were generated.

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REDD Pantanal

The REDD Pantanal project has been implemented on approximately 36,000 hectares of the Pantanal biome in Mato Grosso do Sul. It has the potential to certify 1,837,304 carbon credits over 30 years. In the first issuance,  covering the period from 2021 to 2024, we’re expecting to generate more than 116,000 carbon credits.

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PSA Carbon
Agro Perene

Developed in partnership with Citrosuco and Eccon Soluções Ambientais, the PSA Carbon Agro Perene is now open for public consultation. This is a groundbreaking methodology for measuring ecosystem services in productive areas within Brazilian rural properties, including forest carbon.

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