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Technology and Precision for Sustainability
and Territorial Management Solutions


Technology and Precision for Sustainability and Territorial Management Solutions

We offer innovative geoprocessing solutions that transform complex geospatial data into strategic and precise decisions. With cutting-edge technology and accuracy, we empower our clients to optimize territorial management efficiently and effectively.

Our commitment is to simplify the complexity of territories, turning geospatial data into clear and impactful actions. We help organizations achieve consistent and sustainable results, contributing to a world that increasingly demands intelligence, innovation, and responsibility in decision-making.

Integrated Solutions for Sustainable Management

At Reservas Votorantim, we offer this technology through our business operations, integrating geoprocessing solutions across various areas of focus.

Focusing on strategic sectors such as carbon and ecological restoration, geoprocessing facilitates more accurate decision-making. In the management of degraded areas, for example, it helps identify priority regions for recovery, increasing the effectiveness of restoration efforts. In carbon programs, the technology contributes to the measurement and monitoring of forest carbon stocks.

Business benefits of geoprocessing

Efficient land management

Accurate mapping to identify priority areas for restoration and target ecosystem restoration efforts.

Sustainability and Compliance

Carbon monitoring and support for payment for environmental services (PES) programs that meet stringent environmental requirements.


Customized solutions for sectors such as agribusiness, energy and others, expanding our market reach.


Education on the use of geoprocessing to address challenges such as environmental monitoring and regulatory compliance.


Tailoring solutions to customers’ specific needs, ensuring greater relevance and efficiency.

Deep integration and accessibility

An intuitive platform that simplifies data analysis and empowers non-technical users to make informed decisions.


We clearly demonstrate how our services can reduce costs, increase efficiency, and deliver tangible results.

Contact us

For partnerships, projects or other subjects, contact us through our channels.

Av. Manuel Bandeira, 291, bloco B, conjunto 23 • Vila Leopoldina • 05317-020 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil

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